
Wir präsentieren auf der INTERGEO 2020 – Smart & Safe City Solutions as a Service.

Wir präsentieren auf der INTERGEO 2020 – Smart & Safe City Solutions as a Service.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. Vereinbaren Sie einen persönlichen Termin und sichern Sie sich Ihr kostenloses Ticket zur Veranstaltung direkt bei uns.

INTERGEO 2020 – Smart & Safe City Solutions as a Service.

Wir erwarten Sie am Stand unseres Partners CONNCTD. Freuen Sie sich auf ein spannendes Programm mit brandaktuellen Themen.

Sprechen Sie mit uns über konkrete Lösungen, Ideen, Smart Data und Prozesse.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Treten Sie in direkten Kontakt mit unserem Partner CONNCTD, um mehr über Smart City Solutions zu erfahren.

Nutzen Sie JETZT die Gelegenheit – sichern Sie sich Ihr KOSTENLOSES TICKET und vereinbaren Sie Ihren persönlichen Termin. Lassen Sie sich von uns inspirieren!

Employee satisfaction nicos VLOG

Hock-in: new meeting format

Our Hock-in stools are assembled and ready to use in a flash! Only 4 seconds;)

Hock-in: new meeting format for and with colleagues

On Wednesday, October 7, 2020 our new Hock-in stools made their debut!

In line with our new meeting format, we chose these small wooden stools in a plug-in system, produced by a sustainable supplier in Lower Saxony and printed with our nicos signet. These stools offer the advantage that they can be stowed away to save space and can also be used at trade fairs or similar events.

There are many meeting formats, also at nicos. And the exchange across team boundaries and with all interfaces is essential for our daily business. And, however, now there comes another meeting format?

nicos „hock-in“ – what’s that?

Yes! We would like to exchange with colleagues on various collaboration topics – without obligation to participate and without predefined objectives. Sounds like a „Lean Coffee“ meeting, but it does not follow the structured approach to topic identification and discussion.

At the first big appearance of the hock-in stools, our focus was on „Experiences with the Home Office.“ Colleagues from very different areas exchanged their views and experiences.

Currently, our hock-in stools have a forced break and are waiting for their next assignment. Themes abound. But the „Hock-in“ is meant to be a face-to-face meeting and that is not possible at the moment due to Corona.

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Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit nicos Vlog Umwelt

Hock-in: neues Meetingformat

Unsere Hock-in Hocker sind blitzschnell aufgebaut und einsatzbereit! Nur 4 Sekunden;))

Hock-in: neues Meetingformat für und mit Kollegen

Am Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2020 hatten unsere neuen Hock-in Hocker Premiere!

Passend zu unserem neuen Meetingformat haben wir uns für diese kleinen Holzhocker im Stecksystem entschieden, die von einem nachhaltigen Anbieter in Niedersachsen produziert und mit unserem nicos Signet bedruckt wurden. Die haben den Vorteil, dass sie platzsparend verstaut werden können und auch auf Messen oder ähnlichen Events zum Einsatz kommen können. Und da wir dann “zusammenhocken” und uns austauschen, ist der Name „hock-in“ entstanden.

Meetingformate gibt es viele, auch bei der nicos. Und der Austausch über Teamgrenzen hinweg und mit sämtlichen Schnittstellen ist essentiell für unser daily Business. Und jetzt noch ein Meeting?

nicos “hock-in” – was ist denn das?

Ja! Wir möchten gerne einen Austausch mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu verschiedenen Themen unserer Zusammenarbeit stattfinden lassen –  ohne Teilnahmeverpflichtung und ohne vorab definierte Zielsetzung. Klingt wie ein Lean Coffee, folgt aber nicht der strukturierten Vorgehensweise bei der Themenfindung und -diskussion.

Bei ihrem ersten großen Auftritt ging es dann um das Thema „Erfahrungen mit dem Homeoffice“. Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen tauschten sich zum Thema aus.

Aktuell haben unsere Hock-in Hocker eine Zwangspause und warten auf ihren nächsten Einsatz. Themen gibt es viele. Doch das „Hock-in“ ist als Präsenzmeeting gedacht und das ist Corona-bedingt zur Zeit nicht möglich.

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nicos VLOG

The future has begun

Sorry, the video is available only in German.

The future has begun

Thursday, August 6, 2020 – on the way by bike from Wolbeck to Muenster-City to Future e.V.

„Cycling from Wolbeck to Muenster-City, where I have an appointment with Future e.V., who will hopefully be able to give us some tips on what we need to keep in mind on our way towards sustainability, social compatibility, etc.

Which steps are to follow one after the other?

What hurdles are awaiting us?

And how have other companies dealt with them?“

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Gesellschaft & Soziales nicos Vlog Umwelt

Die Zukunft hat begonnen

Die Zukunft hat begonnen

Donnerstag, 6. August 2020 – mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs von Wolbeck nach Münster-City zu Future e.V.

„So, mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs von Wolbeck nach Münster-City, wo ich einen Termin habe mit Future e.V., die uns hoffentlich ein paar Tipps geben können, was wir auf unserem Weg Richtung Nachhaltigkeit, Sozialverträglichkeit usw. alles beachten müssen.

Welche Schritte aufeinander folgen?

Welche Hürden es gibt?

Und wie andere Unternehmen damit umgegangen sind?“

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Visit us virtually

In times like these, when trade fairs and congresses cannot take place due to the Corona pandemic, digital alternatives are more important than ever before to keep the economy going. Therefore the International Data Spaces Association is converting the joint stand planned for HANNOVER MESSE into a virtual event. IDSA VIRTUAL EXPO will take place from 20 April to 15 May 2020. nicos AG will also be present virtually and will present its idea of GAIAboX® to the public and interested visitors for the first time.

GAIAboX® – Secure Resource Management and Sovereign Data Exchange

nicos AG specializes in secure, global data networks. Our high-performance IT infrastructure enables collaboration and secure data exchange between all locations worldwide.

The idea of GAIAboX® is prototyping a secure and sovereign file storage and data exchange in International Data Spaces (IDS).  GAIAboX® is accessible via FTP, SSH and Linked Data Platform (LDP). Thus, the achievement of GAIAboX® is not limited to data sharing. As open inventory platform it also allows representing any resource.

GAIAboX® acts as an IDS Connector Provider and ensures data sovereignty by using the technologies of the IDS architecture. Along with finely-grained access control to the stored resources the concept of IDS usage control will also be established.

The decision on where to store or how to use a resource in GAIAboX® is possible by using relevant policies. An implemented web client application offers access to other GAIAboXes.

What you can expect at IDSA VIRTUAL EXPO

nicos AG presents itself at the IDSA VIRTUAL EXPO together with 22 other companies introducing solutions for secure data exchange at the virtual stand.

  • On the agenda are use cases and demonstrators on manufacturing & logistics, smart cities and healthcare.
  • Find out why International Data Spaces (IDS) are an indispensable element of the European data infrastructure GAIA-X.
  • Find out more about market-ready solutions for secure data exchange.

We look forward to meeting you virtually!

Visit us virtually. The IDSA Virtual Expo will take place online from April 20 to May 15, 2020.

Gain insights and impressions NOWIt’s free!

Learn more about GAIAboX® in our video!

Weitere Infos:

IDSA VIRTUAL EXPO 2020 (20. April – 15. Mai 2020)
IDSA (International Data Spaces Association)

Any questions? We’d be glad to help. Send us an email.


Hannover Messe UPDATE: Virtual trade fair stand in preparation

Hannover Messe UPDATE: Virtual trade fair stand in preparation

As you know, HANNOVER MESSE cannot take place this year due to the Corona pandemic and the increasingly critical situation. Thus, the trade fair appearance planned by nicos AG as part of the joint stand of the IDSA (International Data Spaces Association) will inevitably be cancelled, too.

Even if HANNOVER MESSE 2020 is cancelled, there are ways to meet with business partners and interested parties – virtually! Therefore, the International Data Spaces Association is currently preparing a “virtual booth”, where nicos AG will also be represented.

We have found a safe way to meet each other even in times of the Corona pandemic and are looking forward to your virtual visit.

More info:

COVID-19: Information concerning the Corona crisis



COVID-19: Information concerning the Corona crisis

COVID-19: Information concerning the Corona crisis

Dear clients and business partners,

nicos AG is permanently looking at the development in connection with COVID-19, which presents us all with unexpected challenges. In this extraordinarily difficult situation, nicos AG is aware of its special responsibility as an operator of critical infrastructures towards its employees, clients and business partners.

It is and will remain our primary goal to maintain the same reliable service for all of you and your companies under the given circumstances. Our employees continue to work hard – even under these adverse circumstances – to ensure that protected collaboration and secure data exchange between all locations worldwide are nevertheless guaranteed.

nicos has implemented extensive preventive measures for the most stable business operation and the maximum possible protection of all employees:

  • Many of our employees work in the home office and are ready to return to the Münster location at any time, if urgently required.
  • Our 24/7 Service Operation Center (SOC) and all necessary technical systems are still fully operational. Even in the event of a closure of the Münster location, we have taken all measures currently possible to ensure that the SOC remains fully operational for as long as possible even under these circumstances.
  •  Our partners have also promised us extensive protective measures to ensure the continuous availability of your infrastructure.
  • Nearly all appointments and meetings – whether within the nicos AG team or in cooperation with our customers and business partners – are held virtually.

In spite of all preventive measures, it cannot be excluded that performance restrictions may occur if the risk situation expands, which we will of course try to avoid.

We are convinced that, together with our employees, clients and business partners, we will withstand and master this extraordinarily difficult situation. We are still available for all our clients and business partners via the same contact data. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us with your request.

Take care of yourself and above all stay healthy!

Yours Thomas Brosch & Axel Metzger
Members of the Management Board of nicos AG


nicos AG at the Hannover Messe 2020

nicos AG at the Hannover Messe 2020

Come and visit us!

nicos AG will be represented again this year’s Hannover Messe (July 13 to 17, 2020).

You will find us at the joint stand of the International Data Spaces Association (IDS) in Hall 16, Booth F03.

We are looking forward to your visit and exciting discussions!

nicos AG is specialized in the planning, implementation and reliable 24/7 operations of secure, global data networks.

With the know-how of 20 years of global market experience, we provide high-performance IT infrastructure solutions – tailored to our clients’ specific requirements, with state-of-the-art technologies and economically attractive – for protected collaboration and secure data exchange between locations worldwide.

At Hannover Messe 2020, we are represented in Hall 16 “Digital Ecosystems” at the joint booth of the International Data Spaces Association (Booth No. F03).

More info:




Secure in the Cloud!

Secure in the Cloud!

How to seamlessly integrate cloud services into your corporate network

… without compromising on transparency and security!

With the growing range of cloud services, the issue of security is increasingly coming into focus. Public cloud vendors generally only protect their own infrastructure against attacks and only take responsibility for the overall security of the data center, the cloud platform and the network infrastructure. According to the principle of shared responsibility, the customer is responsible for the data stored in the public cloud.

Using multiple cloud platforms makes it increasingly difficult to achieve transparency and efficient security. As your company provides different security solutions for each cloud platform, the risk of security vulnerabilities, complexity, and compliance monitoring problems increase.

Security requirements for the use of cloud services

An effective cloud security strategy is based on the following components:

  • Monitoring of all security incidents of the cloud used
    Use the mechanisms or sources of information made available by the respective cloud provider and automatically integrate them into your existing monitoring.
  • Risk management for all cloudsDepending on the cloud provider, consider what types of data are to be stored and processed in the appropriate clouds. In particular, the commitments of the providers in terms of physical location are crucial here.
  • Consistent compliance with security policies throughout the entire network
    Raise the awareness of your company’s employees and inform users that the cloud is not part of the internal network, but a platform that is protected, but still partly available on the Internet and accessible to the public.
  • Compliance with legal regulationsWhen deciding which data to store and process in the cloud, legal regulations such as the GDPR as well as ISO certifications are relevant.
  • Uniform user and action-based authentification
    When choosing cloud providers, make sure they can integrate in your company’s existing authentification mechanisms.

Where dedicated network connections reach their limits and managed VPN connections offer more security

For a secure connection from the corporate network to the public cloud, the leading public cloud providers AWS and Azure provide a service that establishes a dedicated network connection to the respective public cloud. This service is suitable for connecting a central location to the respective cloud provider. However, when connecting globally networked and fully meshed branches, the service reaches its limits.

Therefore, for reasons of security and flexibility, it is advisable to establish managed VPN connections to the cloud gateway in certain regions to provide services centrally.

In this case, a virtual firewall in a public cloud can be set up as a VPN destination to connect your locations in the respective region and to ensure that the corresponding public cloud services can be used via this secure connection.

This ensures seamless integration of cloud services into your corporate network – without compromising on transparency and security!

Learn more. Talk to us.